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By Jessica
I first met William when he entered the OC college Pac Rim class room. I remember wondering how he would fit in with the rest of the group, joining later, being obviously older and a bit geeky, but after a few weeks of classes and then summer I thought nothing more of about it.
Fall rolled around and it was time to set sail for our grand adventure abroad 12 students and our sponsors the Simmons. I remember “them” telling us we would all come back a family, but I never did quite grasp the relationships we would build abroad. Skipping ahead a bit Will and I had become close friends much like I had become with all the other group members. Our trip was magical, and so our love was rooted in adventure. In Japan, I began to notice I had lots of fun with Will and secretly wanted to go with him to find out more about this mysterious guy who didn’t say much. I was alway trying to figure him out. And, if you really know me I really like to figure people out and when I can’t… well, it drives me nuts! We will call Japan the “Will drove me nuts phase.” We were able to spend some time together alone in Tokyo. One night we got separated from the group. I remember not wanting to eat subway, or whatever everyone else had found to eat So I followed Will around the corner to see what he was up to. Of course, he was sneaking off… and not saying anything to anyone so, I was right on his tail. We ended up at this Japanese like Panera Bread that was underground? It was really pretty cool because, you could see the bread and pastries being made, I digress…
As we waited to be seated they gave us water that I managed to spill twice!! I guess I was nervous about being with him alone. I was afraid he wanted to be by himself and well…I kinda tagged along. Our food took a while longer than we expected, and the group had left us, so we wandered around looking for a grave yard (one of our required sites) and this mission house, thinking we would run back into the group. We never did, and it was ok with me because I was really enjoying being alone with Will. We found both sites and then headed to the city. We got to see all kinds of things that day. We went to the tallest building in Tokyo looking for the Tokyo tower which is kinda like the Eiffel Tower in France only in Japan. We found this huge building full of every kind of appliance, electronic, talking toilets, you name it, everything…Each floor was different, and he bought me my first gift (silly I know) but I took note of it in my mind at the time. We both needed a camera card reader. He said that we could share…I don’t entirely remember if I paid for part of it or not, but I still love my “smily” (we called it that because it has a big happy face on it). That night we found the tower, the rainbow bridge and a big colorful ferris wheel that we really wanted to go on. As we started off over the river, looking at the bridge, I just wanted to stay to talk with him as long as I could. I think it might have been one of the most memorable days on my trip. I knew I liked him then, but I wasn’t’ ready to admit it.
After Japan had come and gone New Zealand was next! We had all kinds of adventures and I remember being jealous if he went off somewhere with out me. I was not about to go sky diving, but some how Will convinced me to jump out of an airplane. (looking back he was the only one who could have) and I’m really glad he did. After landing I remember wanting to kiss him right then. I did give him a great big hug, but I was kind of afraid it scared him. Now I know he loved it and was just as excited as I was!!
By this time I was really fighting with my self, because I DID NOT!!! Did not, plan on falling in love on this trip. Of all the things I wanted to do this was definitely not, not, not, on it. Even though I admittedly loved every min of it…So…. I had to tell someone! It was driving me crazy he was driving me crazy! keeping it to my self was eating me from the inside out. After telling Tara one night in NZ I knew that I liked him more than I thought and now someone knew and I didn’t have to explode!
Keep in mind I’m leaving out some really awesome stories to keep this short! Pac Rim was amazing, and Will was definitely a big part of the whole trip.
Once we arrived in Australia, I think we both had a “bug” and knew it. I really wanted to focus on the trip and all of my other wonderful relationships that had formed. But, despite my best efforts, we found ourselves on our own adventures a couple of times. Fireworks in Darling harbor and shopping, beach walks and late night talks on the roof of our hostel.
We really had it made as far as romantic goes. I do remember trying to keep his name out of my journal….(know I’m a dork but I had my reasons) It’s kind of funny now because I can see him in my journal writings still, between the lines and notes, and floating next to the sea of other names (me trying not to exclude anyone who was with us on each adventure)
Anyway….we finally found ourselves on a plane headed home. He had asked me if I wanted to be with him or where we should go from here but I decided it would be best for us to see how things went over christmas break, after all we were at the top of the world and how could we know what we wanted until we grounded ourselves back to the real world. I wasn’t sure and wanted to make sure before doing anything silly just because I wanted a connection to the trip or something…
I’m so sorry this is long but it took us a while to decide or for me at least. So, in February after keeping up our friendship over the break with Skype dates and google chat. I returned then in February, we put it on Facebook and made it “official.”
Our first “real” date was at Tokyo OKC, our first kiss was at his apartment at the Links. He told me he loved me for the first time right before our first summer away from each other, the first time we held hands was in New Zealand and the first time I remember having a conversation with just him was in Hong Kong.
Since then we have grown more and more in love with each other. I love his laugh, and how he makes me goofy as all get out. I love our goals and adventures we have had and are planning to have. You might say I love almost everything about him.
He proposed to me on Thursday December 13th, 2012. You can hear all about how on the proposal page.
We love to take pictures together, and hope to one day start a photography business, we like to cook together and try new recipes, he makes me laugh and takes care of me everyday. We both love to travel….uh…duh! Hike and be outside, and I can’t wait for all the many adventures we have ahead!!
I really believe God brought us together and have kept us together. We have grown in Him as well, as with each other and plan on doing so for the rest of our lives.
Be sure to check out Will’s side of the story as well!!
Also, friends there is a page for you to tell your side of the story, things you might remember from the trip or about us…We would love to hear them!!
By William
Our story started on a normal day in the middle of the Spring 2010 semester while I was sitting alone in the cafeteria after eating a late lunch… I knew what your thinking, but I promise this is going somewhere. I was looking at one more semester left of classes tell I graduate, but I wasn’t really ready. I didn’t have much direction and wasn’t really sure what I was going to do with my life. So, I got out my iPod and started reading the latest Student Announcement’s email.Normally I would just glance though them, but this one really caught my eye. It read
Pac Rim!!!
Do you want to visit China and Japan?? How about New Zealand and Australia?? Well you can as part of the Pacific Rim trip. Spots are still available for Fall 2010 if you would like to be part of this wonderful program. See the world. Earn college credit. Hurry and apply – it’s not too late. Go to to apply!!
I had always wanted to take a study abroad trip but now was my last chance. It took some convincing, but my parents finally said I could go. Even though, I was really just looking for some fun and a way to postpone graduating. I know it’s cliché to say, but really I had no idea that this trip was going to drastically affect my life the way it has.
Soon after, I walked into a class room full of 10 other students, preparing to go in the Pac-Rim trip, that I had never met before (one of them being Jessica).
I could tell from the beginning that Jessica and I were going to be good friends. We had some amazing awesome adventures and experiences. I somehow even managed to get her to go skydiving with me!
So….Fast forwarding to the end of our trip in Sydney, Australia just a couple of days before we left to go home I knew we needed to talk if I wanted to explore the possibility of a relationship after we got home. So, late one night, at The Big Hostel, after everyone had gone to bed we sat down and talked. We decided that we would stay in touch over Christmas break and see how it went.
We hung out a lot after we both went back to school that next semester. And after a lot of persuading… 😉 On Feb, 8th 2011 we announced our “official relationship” to Facebook. It really just grew from there. After I graduated in the spring I was lucky to got a full-time job working at OC! God allowed me to stay close to Jessica and spend more time with her. After only a 1 year and 11 months, on Dec, 13th 2012 I asked her to marry me. (See the full story an my Proposal blog post)…..
Also, Check out Jessica’s side of Our Story as well, I’m sure she tells it better than I do. 🙂
I can’t wait to marry Jessica and have many more adventures and experiences together.
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