Before you start reading this, you must know that this post is in fact, not about the Hobbit….But, something a little sweeter and mushy. It’s been a year! A year today William surprised me with a day full of memories, … Continue reading
Before you start reading this, you must know that this post is in fact, not about the Hobbit….But, something a little sweeter and mushy. It’s been a year! A year today William surprised me with a day full of memories, … Continue reading
Just a few new things…. Will and I will have been married for 3 months on the 8th! Yay, it doesn’t quite feel like that but, it’s true. Time flies when your having fun. But, thats not really that new … Continue reading
Here are a few of notes I wanted to get out there for those of you visiting the site and double checking directions etc. 1. When headed from Maryville to Hopkins Google directions says to turn on NN to get … Continue reading